Friday, June 26, 2009

Heineken 5 1/2 weeks

Many thanks to Nancy for stacking the puppies on a very warm day.
The six pack plus one Dobe are 5 1/2 weeks old and not real cooperative, but they did love their beer and cheese.
Click on photos to view full size.

Foster & Molson 5 1/2 weeks

Coors & Guinness 5 1/2 weeks

Corona & Yuengling 5 1/2 weeks

Exhausted after their photo shoot

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who is that puppy?

It has been suggested that I identify the "brown" puppy so as not to confuse too many people. Yuengling is a red doberman puppy who was a singleton. He was bred by Dave and Sandy Maks. He is visiting the Buck Hollow gang so that he receives proper pack socialization during the next few weeks. He is the same age as my gang and is fitting in very well.

He actually did fool a couple breeders who thought he was a solid liver.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23 - Outdoor Playpen

Finally some warm dry weather. The puppies can enjoy their outdoor play area. Today we had breakfast on the patio and play/sleep time on the dog bed and in the rolling bag. Yuengling is fitting in very well.